The Impact of the Employment Situation of the Floating Population on Its Social Integration
中文关键词: 流动人口  就业状况  社会融入
英文关键词: floating populations  employment status  social integration
李剑强 安徽大学  社会与政治学院安徽  合肥  230601 
丁仁船 安徽建筑大学  公共管理学院安徽  合肥  230601 
摘要点击次数: 5242
全文下载次数: 4211
      随着我国市场经济的发展和新型城镇化进程的加快,我国流动人口的数量急剧增加。本文从就业视角,基于双重劳动力市场模型理论、社会排斥理论以及社会认同理论,探讨关于流动人口的就业状况、社会融入状况以及二者间的影响路径和机理。根据 2017 年全国流动人口动态监测数据,就流动人口社会融入意愿进行二元 logistic 回归分析:良好的工作收入、职业性质、工作时长、就业身份、参保情况对流动人口社会融入有着积极的影响,就业质量越高,流动人口的社会融入意愿也就越高。为此应注重提升流动人口的人力资本,培养其专业技术能力和文化知识水平,提高流动人口的就业水平;同时改善二级市场的就业环境、待遇水平以及社会保障体制,多方合力建设统一的劳动力市场。
      The development of market economy and new urbanization in China has led to a sharp increase in the number of floatingpopulation. Focusing on employment,the dual labor market model theory,social exclusion theory and social identity theory are appliedto discuss the employment,social integration of the floating population and the influence mechanism between the two. The binarylogistic regression analysis on the floating population social integration willingness is obtained based on data from Chinese MedicalDiagnostic System in 2017. The results show that salary,industry,working hours,position and social insurance has a positive impacton the social integration of the floating population,and the higher quality of the employment,the stronger the integration willingnessof the floating population has. Therefore,we should pay attention to improve the human capital of floating population,train theirprofessional technical ability and cultural knowledge level,and improve the employment level of floating population. At the same time,the employment environment,treatment level and social security system of the secondary market should be improved,so as to build aunified labor market with joint efforts.
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