Research on the Impact of Servant Leadership on the Innovative Performance of Grassroots Civil Servants in the Perspective of Governance Modernization
投稿时间:2024-10-03  修订日期:2024-11-02
中文关键词: 公共治理  基层公务员  服务型领导  创新绩效  组织自尊  领导政治技能
英文关键词: public governance  grassroots civil servants  servant leadership  innovative performance  organization-based self-esteem  leader political skills
连瑞瑞 安徽建筑大学公共管理学院 230022
汪诚诚* 安徽建筑大学公共管理学院 230022
陈坤 安徽建筑大学公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 304
全文下载次数: 0
      The innovative performance of grassroots civil servants has a bearing on the modernization process of grassroots governance in China. Based on self-determination theory,the effects of servant leadership on the innovative performance of grassroots civil servants are explored,as well as the mediating role of organization-based self-esteem and the moderating role of leader political skills. A study of 504 questionnaires from grassroots civil servants in China shows that:servant leadership has a direct effect on both organization-based self-esteem and innovation performance of grassroots civil servants;organization-based self-esteem of grassroots civil servants plays a partly mediating role in the relationship between servant leadership and innovation performance;political skills of grassroots civil servants' leadership positively moderates the positive effect of servant leadership on organization-based self-esteem,and at the same time positively moderates the positive effect of servant leadership on innovation performance. and positively moderates the positive effect of servant leadership on innovation performance. The study enriches the results related to the innovative performance of grassroots civil servants, and can provide theoretical references and practical insights for deepening the reform of grassroots governance.
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