Research on the Symbolic Design of Manhole Covers in the Context of Urban Renewal
投稿时间:2024-09-14  修订日期:2024-12-02
中文关键词: 城市更新  符号学  模糊层次分析法  城市井盖
英文关键词: urban renewal  semiotics  fuzzy analytic hierarchy process  urban manhole covers
郭会娟 安徽工业大学 艺术与设计学院 243002
桂昕翔* 安徽工业大学 艺术与设计学院 243002
田德锋 安徽工业大学 艺术与设计学院 
摘要点击次数: 211
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      目的 通过符号化设计提升城市井盖产品的文化内涵与视觉形象,解决城市更新过程中井盖设计样式单一、缺乏文化契合度与美观度等问题,推动城市高质量更新。方法 基于符号学理论,结合模糊层次分析法,从语义学、语用学、语构学三个维度对城市井盖产品进行系统分析与设计。并以马鞍山市为例,提取地域文化特征,开展设计实践与评价。结果 城市井盖产品设计基因优先级从高到低依次为形象主题、图形元素、色彩元素、整体风格和功能拓展,设计要素中侧重图形元素的环境协调性和图形识别性以及色彩元素的象征性与丰富度。结论 结合FAHP分析构建的符号化设计路径,为城市井盖的设计提供了系统化方法与创新性思路,通过整合文化符号和地域特色,实现井盖产品在文化表达和功能拓展上的创新应用,为城市更新提供了新的设计策略。
      Through symbolic design, this research enhances the cultural connotation and visual image of urban manhole cover products, addressing issues such as the monotony of manhole cover design, lack of cultural fit, and aesthetic appeal in the process of urban renewal, thereby promoting high-quality urban renewal. Based on semiotic theory and combined with the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), this research systematically analyzes and designs urban manhole cover products from the three dimensions of semantics, pragmatics, and syntactics. Taking Maanshan City as an example, it extracts regional cultural characteristics and conducts design practice and evaluation. The genetic priorities of urban manhole cover product design, listed in descending order, are image theme, graphic elements, color elements, overall style, and functional expansion. The design elements emphasize the environmental coordination and graphic recognition of graphic elements, as well as the symbolism and richness of color elements. The symbolic design path constructed based on FAHP analysis provides a systematic method and innovative ideas for the design of urban manhole covers. By integrating cultural symbols and regional characteristics, it achieves innovative applications of manhole cover products in cultural expression and functional expansion, offering new design strategies for urban renewal.
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