Analysis and Ranking of Cross-efficiency in China’s Construction Industry Based on Information Entropy
投稿时间:2024-07-28  修订日期:2024-10-05
中文关键词: 信息熵  交叉效率  建筑业  区域
英文关键词: information entropy  cross-efficiency  construction industry  region
郑吴亭* 安徽建筑大学 数理学院 230601
郑 琢 安徽建筑大学 数理学院 
何皓晔 安徽建筑大学 数理学院 
摘要点击次数: 387
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      To assess the current efficiency of China"s construction industry, the use of information entropy and cross-efficiency to analyze and rank the efficiency of the construction industry is an effective means. By minimizing the distance entropy between individual provincial self-assessed efficiency and peer-efficiency, as well as minimizing the distance entropy between self-assessed efficiency and peer-efficiency across all provinces, ascertain the efficiency development levels of each province"s and each region"s construction industry, and conduct analysis and ranking. The results indicate that integrating cross-efficiency with information entropy can effectively differentiate the efficiency development levels of the construction industry in various provinces and regions. This approach provides an objective and reasonable basis for the efficiency ranking of the construction industry. The construction industry in China exhibits strong regional characteristics, with significant disparities in development among different areas. Overall, the central Yangtze region demonstrates the highest efficiency, followed by the coastal areas, while the northwest and northeast regions show lower efficiency levels.
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