Study on Effect of Temperature-alkali Interaction on the Shear Properties of Compacted Bentonite
投稿时间:2024-07-07  修订日期:2024-10-16
中文关键词: 恒体积  温度  碱溶液  膨润土  抗剪性能
英文关键词: Constant volume  temperature  alkali solution, bentonite  shear properties
卞云飞 安徽工业大学 243000
项国圣* 安徽工业大学 243002
付文青 安徽工业大学 
周殷康 安徽工业大学 
摘要点击次数: 402
全文下载次数: 0
      通过模拟压实膨润土在核废料处置库中的热-碱环境,开展恒体积饱和膨润土的不排水直剪试验,研究在25、40、60℃温度下,NaOH、KOH溶液对压实膨润土抗剪性能的影响,并借助SEM电镜试验分析膨润土的微观形貌变化,探究其作用机理。结果表明:热-碱环境中膨润土的剪应力变化稳定,并出现应变软化特征。在浓度由0.1 mol/L提高到1.0 mol/L,温度由25℃提高到60℃的条件下,膨润土的剪应力和抗剪强度增强,黏聚力与内摩擦角增大。溶液浓度的提高加剧阳离子降低土体颗粒间斥力,改变颗粒内部微观排列顺序;温度的提高会提高水分子活跃程度,使土体颗粒间弱结合水减少,晶层收缩骨架强度增强。此外温度提高还促进碱溶液与土体颗粒的反应,进一步增加黏聚力和内摩擦角。不同碱溶液的阳离子交换反应导致K+与膨润土产生强度更高的K-键,使同条件下KOH溶液对膨润土剪应力和抗剪强度的提高程度强于NaOH溶液,膨润土的黏聚力与内摩擦角同样增加。
      By simulating the temperature-alkali environment of compacted bentonite in the nuclear waste repository, undrained straight shear test on constant volume saturated bentonite were carried out, research in 25, 40, 60℃ temperature, NaOH, KOH solution on the shear resistance of compacted bentonite, with the help of SEM microscope test to analyze bentonite microscopic morphological changes, and explore the mechanism of its action. The results show that the shear stress of bentonite samples in the temperature-alkali environment is relatively stable and all of them show strain softening characteristics. the concentration was increased from 0.1 mol/L to 1.0 mol/L, and the temperature was increased from 25℃ to 60℃, the shear stress and shear strength of bentonite were enhanced, along with the cohesion and internal friction angle; the increase in solution concentration would aggravate the degree to which cations would reduce the repulsive force between the particles of the soil body and alters the microstructural arrangement of particles; The increase in temperature increases the activity of water molecules, which reduces the weakly bound water between soil particles and increases the strength of the shrinkage skeleton of the crystal layer, in addition to promoting the reaction between the alkali solution and the soil particles, which leads to an increase in the cohesion and the angle of internal friction. Cation exchange reaction between different alkali solutions, resulting in K+ and bentonite to produce a higher strength of the K-linkages, so that under the same conditions of KOH solution on the bentonite shear stress and shear strength to improve the degree stronger than NaOH solution, bentonite cohesion and the angle of internal friction is also produced to improve.
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