Research on Stress of Prefabricated Component During Transportation
中文关键词: 预制混凝土构件  运输受力分析  ANSYS 模拟  参数化分析
英文关键词: precast concrete elements  transport analysis  ANSYS simulation  parametric analysis
基金项目:安徽省教育厅高校自然科学研究项目 (KJ2021A0608);安徽省住房与城乡建设科技计划基金资助项目(2020-YF47)
陈东 安徽建筑大学 土木工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
惠雅婷 安徽建筑大学 土木工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
赵诣 合肥科技职业学院 建筑工程系安徽 合肥 231203 
摘要点击次数: 4285
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      装配式建筑一大特点是增加构件运输环节,而构件较大时,在运输过程中容易造成损坏。针对装配式建筑中常用的不开洞墙板、中间开洞墙板(窗户)和完全开洞墙板(门)等三种预制构件,在构件内、外表面不同位置布置测点,测试构件运输全过程的应力应变,分析不同的预制混凝土构件在运输中不同位置的受力情况。同时,利用 ANSYS 进行数值模拟和参数化分析。得出结论:应力变化与开洞面积呈正相关。开洞处的应力比周围位置大,构件底部与钢架接触处受力最大。相比较加置垫块和层数堆叠,加速度对构件应力变化影响最大。车辆运输应避免急刹,建议在预制构件下方加垫高弹性缓冲材料。
      Component transportation is one of the features of assembled buildings,which,when the components are large,are proneto cause damages. Using three commonly used prefabricated components in prefabricated buildings,namely wall panels,mid-holewall panels (windows) and full-hole wall panels (doors),to measure the stress and strain data of the components by placing measurementpoints in different positions on the inner and outer surfaces of the components,and to analyze the stress conditions of differentcomponents in different positions during transportation. ANSYS software is used for numerical simulation and parametric analysis. It isconcluded that the stress change is positively correlated with the hole area. The stress at the hole is larger than the surrounding area,and the stress reaches the maximum at the contact between the bottom of the component and the steel frame. The acceleration has thegreatest effect on the stress variation compared with the spacer blocks and the layer stacking. Transportation vehicles should avoidemergency braking,and highly resilient cushioning materials are recommended underneath the prefabricated components.
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