Research on Street Vitality of Qimen East Street Historical and Cultural Blocks Based on the Influence of Context Elements
投稿时间:2022-10-20  修订日期:2023-02-13
中文关键词: 文脉 街巷活力 历史街区 祁门县
英文关键词: context  street vitality  Historic District  Qimen County
汪越凡* 合肥工业大学 1336747016@qq.com 
张晓瑞 合肥工业大学  
陆妍霏 合肥工业大学  
摘要点击次数: 1090
全文下载次数: 380
      历史街区文脉的传承是延续街区特色的主要手段,历史街区活力的提升是振兴历史街区的重要目的,二者间相互作用、相辅相成。为探讨历史街区各文脉要素对人的行为活动的影响程度和作用机制,以祁门东街历史街区内四条高活力传统街巷为研究对象,从“文脉要素”和“活力”的概念和特点入手,构建针对历史街区街巷的文脉要素与街巷活力的定量评估体系框架,对各街巷内文脉要素和行人行为活动的量化分析结果进行相关性分析,探索历史街区街巷文脉要素与活力的内在关系,并在文脉要素影响视角下探讨了历史文化街区街巷空间活力提升策略和建议。 关键词:文脉 街巷活力 历史街区 祁门县
      The inheritance of the cultural context of the historical block is the main means to continue the characteristics of the block, and the enhancement of the vitality of the historical block is an important purpose of revitalizing the historical block. The two interact and complement each other. In order to explore the influence degree and action mechanism of various cultural elements in the historical block on people's behavior and activities, taking the four highly dynamic traditional streets and alleys in the Qimen East Street historical block as the research object, from the concept of "contextual elements" and "vitality" Starting with the characteristics, construct a quantitative evaluation system framework for the cultural elements and the vitality of the streets and alleys in the historical blocks, conduct correlation analysis on the quantitative analysis results of the cultural elements and pedestrian behaviors in the streets and alleys, and explore the streets and alleys in the historical blocks. The internal relationship between cultural elements and vitality, and from the perspective of the influence of cultural elements, the strategies and suggestions for enhancing the vitality of the streets and lanes of historical and cultural blocks are discussed. Key words:context;street vitality;Historic District;Qimen county
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