高浩洪.一种徽州民居组合节能改造方法构想[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2017,25(4): |
一种徽州民居组合节能改造方法构想 |
A Conception of Combined Energy-saving Transformation of Huizhou Residence |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20170412 |
中文关键词: 徽州民居 节能改造 热压通风 地热组织 |
英文关键词: Huizhou residence energy-saving transformation hot-press ventilation geothermal energy organization |
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中文摘要: |
现存的徽州民居数量大,居住人数多,室内热环境难以满足现代人的居住要求。本文提出一种以天井热压通风为动力、以建筑围护结构为通道、以地热为能源的组合节能改造方法,以期在不破坏徽州民居风貌的前提下,生态高效的解决或改善徽州民居室内热环境问题(中文不通,导致英文翻译无法对应),为传统民居活化提供新思路。 |
英文摘要: |
There are a large number of residences and residents in Huizhou and it is difficult for the indoor thermal environment is to meet the living requirements of modern people. In this paper, a method of combined energy-saving transformation with courtyard hot-air ventilation, building envelope as the channel and geothermal energy as the energy source is proposed in order to solve or improve the thermal environment of Huizhou residences ecologically and efficiently without damaging the its style and feathers and to provide help and reference for the traditional architectural design and transformation. |
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