Experimental Study on Treatment of Mixed Wastewater by Modified MSBR Process
中文关键词: 混合型污水  改进型MSBR  脱氮除磷
英文关键词: Mixed type sewage  improved MSBR  nitrogen and phosphorus removal
罗玉亮 安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院 安徽合肥 230601 
刘绍根 安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院 安徽合肥 230601水污染控制与废水资源化安徽省重点实验室合肥230601 
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      As the water into the industrial wastewater and domestic sewage to form a mixed type of sewage, there is insufficient organic carbon source and aerobic tank sludge concentration is low and so on, resulting in the system nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency is not high.So began to consider the conventional MSBR process to make the following improvements: pre-anoxic tank and anaerobic pool at the same time into the water, respectively, water intake 0.2Q, 0.8Q; aerobic tank to add suspended fillers.The effects of conventional MSBR process and modified MSBR process on the removal of organic, nitrogen and phosphorus were studied under the same experimental conditions. The results show: the average removal rate of COD was 78.82%, the average removal rate of COD was 80.35%, the average removal rate of ammonia was 90.51%, the average removal rate of modified MSBR was 96.94%, and the conventional MSBR the average removal rate of TN was 47.12%, the average removal rate of modified MSBR was 49.45%, the average removal rate of total MSBR was 51.50%, and the average removal rate of total MS was 71.30%. It can be concluded that the improved MSBR process improves the efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
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