孙永青,兰旭,卜翔宇.新疆西北边境地区兵团小城镇发展路径与实施对策研究——以第九师为例[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2017,25(3):75-81 |
新疆西北边境地区兵团小城镇发展路径与实施对策研究——以第九师为例 |
Research on the development of small corps Town in the northwest frontier area of Xinjiang and its implement measures——With the Ninth Division of the Corps as an example |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20170315 |
中文关键词: 新疆西北边境地区、兵团九师、小城镇、路径模式、政策和体制 |
英文关键词: Northwest frontier area of Xinjiang the ninth division of the Corps, small towns path model policy and system |
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摘要点击次数: 7867 |
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中文摘要: |
新疆兵团城镇建设正经历着从屯垦戍边向建城戍边、维稳戍边的历史使命的重大转变,小城镇建设成为兵团新型城镇化发展的重点工作。文章首先阐述新疆西北边境地区特殊的地域环境、国防安全背景,从兵团体制、人口增长、产业发展和生态环境安全等方面进一步分析兵团小城镇现状建设特征、发展影响因素及其动力机制。在此基础上,探讨兵团小城镇的差异化发展路径和建设模式,并从政策和体制创新层面探讨兵团城镇化实施对策。 |
英文摘要: |
The construction of the corps town in Xinjiang is experiencing a major shift from cultivating and guarding frontier areas to reconstructing and stabilizing the border. The construction of small towns has become the focus of new corps urbanization . The paper, in the first place, expounds the special geographical environment of Xinjiang in the northwest border, and the background of national security .Then it further analyzes the construction characteristics ,the affecting factors and its dynamic mechanism of the present situation of corps small towns from aspects such as corps system, population growth, industrial development and ecological environment security .On this basis。 Differential development path and construction mode of small corps town will be explored and implementation measures for the corps urbanization from the perspective of policy and system innovation will be proposed. |
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