陈艳.需求导向下安徽省基层公共文化服务供给侧改革研究——以合肥市蜀山区为例[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2017,25(2):100-106 |
需求导向下安徽省基层公共文化服务供给侧改革研究——以合肥市蜀山区为例 |
On the Supply-Side Structural Reform of Grassroots Public Cultural Services of Anhui Province under the Demand Orientation---With Shushan District in HeFei City as an Example---With Shushan District in HeFei City as an Example---With Shushan District in HeFei City as an Example |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20170219 |
中文关键词: 公共文化服务 供给侧改革 策略 |
英文关键词: public cultural services, supply-side structural reform, strategy |
基金项目:2015年安徽省人文社科一般项目《需求导向的安徽省基层公共文化服务建 |
摘要点击次数: 7652 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
基层公共文化服务建设是政府落实公共服务体系建设的抓手之一,在群众文化需求导向下,进行公共文化服务供给侧改革,培育广大群众的文化消费,提升群众文化消费的获得感,是十三五以来公共服务体系建设中重点研究的课题。在对合肥市蜀山区群众文化服务需求状况调研报告的数据分析的基础上,针对群众文化需求现状,进行供给侧改革策略的研究,为推进全省公共文化服务供给侧改革探路子、出经验、树典范。 |
英文摘要: |
The construction of grassroots public cultural service is one of resolutions to realize the construction of public service system by the government. It is the main research subject of the construction of public service system from the 13th five-year plan period which includes the reform of supply-side structural of grassroots public cultural services, cultivation of the cultural consumption and the promotion of the sense of gain of cultural consumption. On the base of the date analysis of the cultural demand of the public in Shushan district in Hefei city, the essay studies the strategy for the supply-side structural reform which should set an example for the supply-side structural reform of public cultural service of Anhui province. |
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