杨 杰,曹彭强,宋新伟,涂有笑,陶月赞.管道穿越河流堤防的渗流稳定性分析[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2018,26(1):44-48
Analysis of Seepage Stability of Pipeline Crossing under River Dike
中文关键词: 管道穿越  渗透系数  数值模型  水力坡度
英文关键词: pipeline crossing  hydraulic conductivity  numerical model  hydraulic gradient
基金项目:安徽高校自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2017A409); 皖西学院校级自然项目(WXZR201618).
杨 杰 皖西学院建筑与土木工程学院安徽 六安 237012 
曹彭强 安徽省水利部淮河水利委员会水利科学研究院安徽 蚌埠 233000 
宋新伟 皖西学院建筑与土木工程学院安徽 六安 237012 
涂有笑 皖西学院建筑与土木工程学院安徽 六安 237012 
陶月赞 合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院 安徽 合肥 230009 
摘要点击次数: 7619
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      管道穿越会对河流堤防稳定性造成影响,需要进行危害预测与防控。应用Visual Modflow软件构造管道穿越初期及穿越后较长时间情况下的数值模型,对管道穿越前后堤防的渗流稳定进行分析与计算;并求得各模型对应的最大水力坡度分别为0.162、0.195与0.158,而允许水力坡度为0.402。研究结果表明:管道穿越初期会增加堤防的水力坡度,增大堤防发生渗透破坏的危险程度;穿越后较长时间的水力坡度会有回落,且管道穿越初期的模型结构更适合应用于工程实际。
      The pipeline crossing can affect the stability of river dikes, which need to study of damage controlling and forecasting. A numerical model was applied to construct the pipeline crossing in the early stage and the later stage for a long time by the Visual Modflow, and the stability of the dike before and after pipeline crossing were analyzed and calculated; the maximum hydraulic gradient corresponding to each model were 0.162, 0.195 and 0.158 respectively, while the critical hydraulic gradient was 0.402. The results showed that the pipeline crossing would increase the hydraulic gradient in early time, so the same as the degree of risk of damage; and the hydraulic gradient would fall a little after a long time of crossing. In addition, it could be seen that the early model structure was more suitable for engineering practice.
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