完海鹰,周珉璐.考虑二次受力影响的CFRP加固轴压圆管柱有限元分析[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2015,23(4):7-10 |
考虑二次受力影响的CFRP加固轴压圆管柱有限元分析 |
The finite element analysis on buckling strength of slender circular tubular steel braces strengthened by CFRP considering effect of secondary load |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20150402 |
中文关键词: 二次受力 CFRP 加固 圆钢管柱 轴压 承载力 有限元 |
英文关键词: secondary load CFRP strengthened slender circular tubular steel brace axial–loading buckling strength finite |
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中文摘要: |
用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立有效的“壳—弹簧—壳”的模型,分别模拟5根相同截面、相同长细比、沿柱纵向粘贴不同层数CFRP布的圆管长柱,建立的有限元模型与试验结果进行对比验证了有限元模型的有效性。轴压;承载分析二次受力时的加固后极限承载力,并得出考虑二次受力作用下CFRP加固的空心圆管细长柱的轴压性能与不考虑二次受力时的差异,并据此提出相应的加固施工建议。 |
英文摘要: |
The “Shell-combine-shell” finite element model was used to research the reinforced slender circular tubular steel braces strengthened with CFRP. 5 specimens with same size but strengthened by differ oading bearing capacity considering the effect of secondary load. And some suggestions are put ent layers of longitudinal CFRP are simulated and the results show in good agreement with experimental results. 10 more specimens are simulated by ANSYS to find the difference of axial–l forward for construction design acc ording to the finite analysis results. |
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