Groundwater Nitrogen Pollution and Assessment of its Health Risks in a Drainage Zone Controlled Through Main Drainage Ditch in Huaibei Plain
中文关键词: 地下水  氮污染  健康风险评价  干沟  淮北平原
英文关键词: groundwater  nitrogen pollution  health risk assessment  main drainage ditch  Huaibei Plain
杨源 合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院 安徽 合肥230009 
李如忠 合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院 安徽 合肥230009 
王友贞 安徽省 水利部淮委水利科学研究院安徽 蚌埠 23300 
沈涛 安徽省 水利部淮委水利科学研究院安徽 蚌埠 23300 
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      为了解干沟控制排水对地下水氮素污染的影响,于2012年8月至2013年7月,对利辛县车辙沟干沟控制区内的14个农田水位观测孔和13个农户水井,开展地下水位观测和各形态氮含量检测。在此基础上,对该区域地下水氮污染特征和健康风险状况进行分析与评估。结果表明: ① 研究区地下水NH4-N污染较为严重,而NO3-N和NO2-N则污染较轻,农田地下水的NH4-N、NO3-N、NO2-N和TN平均浓度分别为0.49、2.10、0.028和3.56 mgL-1,农户井水平均值分别为0.22、0.93、0.030和1.37 mgL-1;② 农田地下水NH4-N与NO2-N、NO3-N与TN浓度表现出相似的变化特征,而井水中NO3-N和TN变化特征基本一致;③ 饮水暴露途径和皮肤接触吸收暴露途径的氮危险指数平均值分别为3.73×10-2和3.10×10-4,均远低于可接受阈值1.0,对人体健康的影响可以忽略不计。
      To investigate the effect of controlled drainage on groundwater nitrogen pollution, 14 observation wells and 13 farmers’ wells in the Chezhegou control drainage zone in Lixin County, situated in Anhui Huaibei Plain (China), were chosen to observe underground water levels and determine different types of nitrogen concentrations periodically, from August 2012 to July 2013. And then, groundwater nitrogen pollution features were analyzed and its health risks were evaluated for the study areas. Results show that ① pollution of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) in groundwater is worse than that of nitrate (NO3-N) and nitrite (NO2-N) nitrogen, and mean concentrations of NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N and TN in agricultural areas are 0.49, 2.10, 0.028 and 3.56 mgL-1, respectively, while 0.22, 0.93, 0.030 and 1.37 mgL-1 for residential areas, respectively. ② In agricultural areas, similar change characteristics are shown for NH4-N and NO2-N concentrations, and NO3-N and TN contents, whereas in farmers’ wells, it is displayed between NO3-Nand TN. ③ The mean values of hazard indexes for oral and dermal exposure paths are 3.73×10-2 and 3.10×10-4, respectively, far below the accepted threshed value 1.0.
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