Rationality of Spatial Layout of Emergency Shelters in Hefei from the Perspective of Supply and Demand
中文关键词: 应急避难场所  空间布局  合理性  合肥
英文关键词: emergency shelters  spatial layout  rationality  Hefei
基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金项目(2008085QE241);安徽省住房城乡建设科学技术计划项目(2023-YF003);中青年教师培养行动优秀青 年教师培育项目(YQYB2023012)
王爱 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230601安徽省国土空间规划与生态研究院安徽 合肥 230601 
刘少婷 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230601 
摘要点击次数: 792
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      以合肥主城区为例,采用高斯两步移动搜寻法等方法,评估应急避难场所“有没有”“够不够”“好不好”的情况。研究表明:1)应急避难场所空间分布格局与区域人口空间分布具有相关性,两者均呈现“核心—边缘”的圈层式分布特征,同时在二环以内区域的应急避难场所集聚度较高。2)各类型应急避难场所覆盖的小区样点数达1 986,覆盖率为 55.7%,覆盖范围主要位于二环以内区域;居民点到应急避难场所的可达性不均衡,高可达性的居住小区主要集中于一环以内和高新区东部,低可达性在一环与二环之间集聚分布。3)各行政区的应急避难场所供给与居民的避难需求存在失衡情况,仅庐阳区应急避难场所供给服务基本满足区域内居民避难需求。4)应急避难场所的拥挤度存在较大差异,约20%的应急避难场所拥挤度值超过3.3,尤其是一环以外与二环以内区域的应急避难场所拥挤度值较高,避难服务压力最大。
      Taking the central Hefei as an example and using Gauss two-step mobile search method and other methods, the existence,sufficiency and service quality of emergency shelters were assessed. The results proved that the spatial distribution of emergency shelterwas correlated with local population, characterizing the core-edge layer distribution, and the agglomeration degree of which was highwithin the second ring road. The number of community sampling points covered by all types of emergency shelters reached 1 986, witha coverage rate of 55.7%, and the coverage area was mainly located within the second ring road of the city. The accessibility of residentialareas to emergency shelters was uneven, as high-accessibility communities mainly in the first ring road and the eastern part of thehigh-tech zone, while low-accessibility communities between the first and second ring roads. The supply of emergency shelters and theevacuation needs of residents were unbalance at an administrative level, and only Luyang District basically met the evacuation needs ofresidents. The congestion values of different emergency shelters were varified: about 20% of the emergency shelters have a congestionvalue of more than 3.3, and the values outside the first ring road and within the second ring road are higher, showing the greatestevacuation service pressure.
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