Effect of Aggregate Size on Water Retention Curve and Pore Size Distribution of Lateritic Clay
中文关键词: 非饱和红黏土  压实样  粒径尺寸  持水曲线  孔径分布
英文关键词: unsaturated lateritic clay  compacted specimen  aggregate size  water retention curve  pore size distribution
陈波 安徽建筑大学 土木工程学院安徽 合肥 230601衢州学院 建筑工程学院浙江 衢州 324000 
赵辛金 安徽建筑大学 土木工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
徐伟皓 安徽省建设工程测试研究院有限责任公司安徽 合肥 230041 
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      To investigate the effect of aggregate size on water retention characteristics and pore size distributions (PSDs), the waterretention curves measurement and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) over a wide suction range, were conducted on lateritic clayspecimens with different aggregate sizes by axial translation techniques (ATT) and vapor equilibrium techniques (VET). The waterretention and PSD curves were obtained to explore the microscopic mechanism by which aggregate size affects water retention in soil.The results showed that aggregate size only had great effect on the water retention in the low suction range, and the air-entry value washigher for specimen with smaller aggregate size, and the smaller the aggregate size dimension, the larger the inlet value of thespecimen. The PSDs were unimodal for saturated compacted specimens with different aggregate sizes. It was found that the smalleraggregate size of the specimen, the higher the peak of the concentrated PSD, and the narrower the distribution range, which means thesmaller the particle size, the more uniform the pore size distribution. The comparison of predicted and measured water retention curvesproved that due to the neglection on the reduction of void ratio of specimen in drying process, the PSD curve could predict be used topredict the water content with different suctions, while the predict saturation was lower than the measured result.
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