胡友彪,曾兆宇.预处理 /EGSB/A2O-AO 处理餐厨垃圾渗滤液的工程应用[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2023,31(3):44-49
预处理 /EGSB/A2O-AO 处理餐厨垃圾渗滤液的工程应用
Engineering Application of Using Pretreatment/EGSB/A2 O-AO Methods for Kitchen Waste Leachate
中文关键词: 餐厨垃圾渗滤液  物化预处理+生物处理方法  EGSB  A2 O-AO
英文关键词: kitchen waste leachate  physicochemical pretreatment  EGSB  A2O-AO
胡友彪 安徽理工大学 地球与环境学院安徽 淮南 232001 
曾兆宇 安徽理工大学 地球与环境学院安徽 淮南 232001 
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      餐厨垃圾渗滤液包含大量油脂、淀粉类有机物,并具有高化学需氧量(COD)、高固体悬浮物浓度(SS)、高氨氮、富营养化潜势等特点。目前,对于餐厨垃圾渗滤液的处理方法有物理 / 化学预处理方法、卫生填埋处理法、生物处理方法和多种联合处理方法。考虑到餐厨垃圾渗滤液的复杂性、处理工艺的经济性,以及实际采样取得的餐厨垃圾 COD/TN=17.73>8,TP/BOD5=0.029<0.06,含水率达 82.74%,含油率达 3%,宜采取预处理 /EGSB/A2O-AO 方法。该方法使得餐厨垃圾渗滤液的 COD、BOD5、氨氮、TN、TP、SS 的去除率分别达到99.12%,99.48%,99.35%,99.24%,98.51%,94.51%,最终出水满足 GB/T 31962-2015《污水排入城镇下水道水质标准》。本工程为餐厨垃圾渗滤液少量化、就地处理提供参考,可为目前餐厨垃圾渗滤液集中处理提供补充。
      Kitchen waste leachate,with a large amount of oil and starch,is characterized by high chemical oxygen demand(COD),high concentration of suspended solids(SS),high ammonia nitrogen,and eutrophication potential,and is currently treated by physicochemical pretreatment,landfill,biological treatment and the combined treatment. Considering of the complex composition ofthe kitchen waste leachate,the cost of the treatment process,and the sampling had a COD/TN=17.73>8,TP/BOD5=0.029<0.06,moisture content of 82.74% and oil content of 3%,hence the application of a method by using physicochemical pretreatment combinedEGSB/A2O-AO treatment,which makes the removal rates of COD,BOD5,NH3-N,TN,TP,and SS reached 99.12%,99.48%,99.35%,99.24%,98.51%,94.51%,respectively,representing all met the national standards of Wastewater Quality Standards forDischarge to Municipal Sewers(GB/T 31962-2015).This project provides a reference for the reduction and local treatment of kitchenwaste leachate,and can provide a supplement to the centralized disposal of kitchen waste leachate.
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