Research on Spatial Accessibility of Medical Service Facilities in the Built-up Area of Hefei City
中文关键词: 医疗服务设施  可达性  两步移动搜索法  人口数据空间化
英文关键词: medical service facility  accessibility  2SFCA  spatialization of population data
储金龙 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230601安徽省城镇化建设协同创新中心安徽 合肥 230022 
张凡 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230601合肥市测绘设计研究院安徽 合肥 230061 
叶伸 合肥市测绘设计研究院安徽 合肥 230061 
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      基于空间化的人口格网数据及网络地图路径规划 API 获取的不同交通模式出行成本数据,运用累积机会法和高斯两步移动搜索法分析合肥市建成区医疗可达性和空间分布格局。研究结果表明:1)合肥市医疗可达性以老城区为中心向外围圈层式衰减;2)驾车至最近医院的出行时间最短且稳定性较强,中长距离出行时,公交相对骑行和步行有较大优势,短距离出行时,优势微弱;3)不同交通模式下的等时区分异明显,空间覆盖率和人口覆盖率均达到 90% 以上时驾车、公交和骑行所需的时间分别为 20 min、60 min 和 40 min;4)驾车模式下,合肥市老城区在不同时间阈值都具有较高的医疗可达性,新城区不同时间阈值的医疗可达性结果不同。
      Based on the spatial population grid data and the travel cost data under different transportation modes obtained from network map planning path API,the medical accessibility and spatial distribution pattern in the built-up areas of Hefei are analyzed with cumulative opportunity method and 2SFCA. The results show that:1)the medical facility accessibility in Hefei is centered on the old city and decays to the periphery in a circle;2)driving to the nearest hospital takes the shortest time and the duration is more stable;public transportation has a greater advantage than cycling and walking for medium and long distances,and a slight advantage for short distances;3) the differences in isochrone under different transportation modes are obvious. The time for driving,public transportation and biking are 20 min,60 min and 40 min,respectively,to cover more than 90% of the space and population;4)under the driving mode,the medical accessibility at different time thresholds is high in the old urban area of Hefei,while varied in new urban areas.
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