Research on Flow Distribution Model of Water Supply Network Based on District Metering System
中文关键词: 供水管网  分区计量  水力模型  流量分配
英文关键词: water supply network  district metering  hydraulic model  node flow distribution
基金项目:安徽省高校省级自然科学研究项目(2022AH010019、 KJ2019ZD54);合肥供水集团技术服务项目(HYB20210193)
刘雅亭 1.安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 2306012.安徽建筑大学 水污染控制与废水资源化安徽省重点实验室安徽 合肥 230601 
黄显怀 1.安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 2306012.安徽建筑大学 水污染控制与废水资源化安徽省重点实验室安徽 合肥 230601 
杨伟伟 1.安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 2306012.安徽建筑大学 水污染控制与废水资源化安徽省重点实验室安徽 合肥 230601 
宋纲 合肥市供水集团安徽 合肥 230011 
朱波 合肥市供水集团安徽 合肥 230011 
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      节点流量作为供水管网建模的重要参数,其分配结果直接影响供水模型准确性。针对目前常规节点流量分配方法准确性不足及工作强度大的问题,提出了基于分区计量系统的供水管网节点流量分配方法。该分配方法中的节点流量是居民用户节点流量、其他工商户节点流量和产销差节点流量之和。居民节点流量通过 DMA 边界五级表数据确定;其他工商户节点流量通过终端六级远传表数据确定;产销差节点流量,以二级分区为单位,在区域内沿线流量均分后折算。该方法运用于 H 市供水管网水力建模项目,模型校核结果:测压点水压的实测记录值与模拟值之差分别为 100% ≤ (±4)mH2O;85.83% ≤ (±2)mH2O;55.18% ≤ (±1)mH2O;23.15% ≤ (±0.5)mH2O,提高了模型精度。
      As an important parameter of water supply network modeling,node flow directly affects the accuracy of water supply model.Aiming at insufficient accuracy and high work intensity of the current node-flow distribution methods, this paper proposes a node flowdistribution method of water supply network based on district metering system,whose node flow is the sum of residential user nodeflow,industrial and commercial user node flow and the no-revenue water node flow. The node flow of residential users is obtainedfrom the five-level water meter at the DMA boundary;the node flow of industrial and commercial users is obtained from the six-levelterminal water meter; the no-revenue water node flow is converted from the equal divison of flow along the line in each secondary area.This method is applied to the hydraulic modeling project of water supply network in H city,and the verification results are as follows:the differences between the measured value and the simulated value of water pressure at the measuring point are 100% ≤ (±4)mH2O,85.83% ≤ (±2)mH2O,55.18% ≤ (±1)mH2O,23.15% ≤ (±0.5m)H2O,respectively,indicating that this method improves theaccuracy of the model.
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