Wear under Shield Construction for Both City Road Subsidence Impact Study
中文关键词: 盾构下穿  隧道埋深  开挖距离  沉降峰值
英文关键词: shield under wear  tunnel buried depth  the excavation distance  sedimentation peak
南钰 安徽建筑大学  土木工程学院安徽  合肥  230601 
严中 合肥市市政设计研究总院有限公司安徽  合肥  230041 
陈凯 中铁二十四局集团安徽工程有限公司安徽  合肥  230011 
翟朝娇 安徽建筑大学  土木工程学院安徽  合肥  230601 
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      Taking the shield interval from Tianshui Lu Station to Cuibai Lu Station of Hefei Metro Line 4 project as the example,the impact of shield underpassing on existing urban roads was studied. A numerical analysis model was established using Midas GTS NX to study the effects of tunnel depth and excavation distance on road settlement. The results show that when the left line is excavated first,the sudden settlement occurs during the excavation of the fifth to tenth ring;when the buried depth is within 2D,the settlement curve changes from single valley to double valleies,but the peak remains near the center line of the left tunnel;when the buried depth exceeds 2D,the interaction between the two tunnels can be ignored,and the settlement peak appears above the center line of the two tunnels when the whole line is completed. Besides,the buried depth is always proportional to the influence range and inversely proportional to the influence degree. Hence,the reasonable arrangement of these two factors can effectively control road settlement and ensure construction safety.
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