Bearing capacity calculation and economic analysis of truss unit based on monolithic precast concrete frame structure
投稿时间:2021-11-05  修订日期:2021-12-24
中文关键词: 装配式建筑,临时支撑结构,单元桁架,承载力,有限元分析,经济性
英文关键词: assembled  building, temporary  support structure, truss  unit, bearing  capacity, finite  element analysis, economy
吴先哲* 中建科技集团有限公司四川分公司 531081836@qq.com 
张海燕 中建科技集团有限公司四川分公司  
王杰 中建科技集团有限公司四川分公司  
吴光伟 中建科技集团有限公司四川分公司  
张兆强 西南科技大学土木工程与建筑学院  
摘要点击次数: 1867
全文下载次数: 573
      The bearing capacity of truss unit has been calculated and analyzed by using the calculation methods in different technical codes based on monolithic precast concrete frame structure. And the finite element software ANSYS has been used in checking the ultimate bearing capacity of truss unit. At last the economic analysis of truss unit has been compared with fastener steel tube full hall formwork support and independent prop. The analysis results show that: the truss unit has greet mechanical performance which can meet the requirements of bearing capacity in construction process, then the effective length and the rotational stiffness at the joint of standing tube play a major role in controlling its bearing capacity. In the installation process of the truss unit, special attention should be paid to the connection quality between standing tube to ensure the continuity of the rotational stiffness. At the same time, compared with the fastener steel tube full hall formwork support and independent prop, the truss unit has greater cost advantage, and with the increase of building height, its cost advantage is more obvious.
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