鲍学芳,胡赛涛.徽州传统民居典型外墙热工性能改造优化设计[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(): |
徽州传统民居典型外墙热工性能改造优化设计 |
Optimal Design of Thermal Performance Transformation of Typical Exterior Walls of Traditional Residence in Huizhou |
投稿时间:2021-06-30 修订日期:2021-10-24 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 徽州传统民居 围护结构 热工性能 优化设计 |
英文关键词: Huizhou traditional houses envelope structure thermal performance optimized design |
基金项目:安徽省高校省级自然科学研究重点项目“乡村振兴背景下传统村落数字化保护利用研究”(KJ2020A0458);安徽省高校协同创新项目:徽文化形态研究与传承实践探索 (GXXT-2019-050 ) |
摘要点击次数: 2389 |
全文下载次数: 741 |
中文摘要: |
针对徽州传统民居典型外墙热工性能差的主要问题,在不破坏传统民居的整体风貌与传统空间形态原真性的前提下,通过外围护结构构造改造优化,实现改善外墙的热工性能。本文使用斯维尔BECS2020软件对外围护结构的进行设计、分析、优化,验证提高外墙热阻改造措施的合理性、有效性,以期对徽州传统民居典型外墙热工性能提高提供借鉴与参考。 |
英文摘要: |
Aiming at the main problem of poor thermal performance of typical exterior walls of Huizhou traditional residential buildings, the thermal performance of exterior walls was improved through structural transformation and optimization of external protective structure without destroying the overall style and authenticity of traditional spatial form of traditional residential buildings. In this paper, BECS2020 software is used to design, analyze and optimize the external envelope structure to verify the rationality and effectiveness of measures to improve the thermal resistance of external walls, in order to provide reference for the improvement of thermal performance of typical external walls of Huizhou traditional residential buildings. |
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