Analysis of Traditional Ecological Wisdom in Tangwufangxu
投稿时间:2021-06-02  修订日期:2021-07-21
中文关键词: 海绵乡村,唐五房圩,传统生态,水系
英文关键词: sponge village, tang wufang wei, traditional ecology, water system
季文媚 安徽建筑大学 230601
蒋进仙* 安徽建筑大学 230601
张何迎 安徽建筑大学 
摘要点击次数: 2001
全文下载次数: 614
      “海绵乡村”是基于“海绵城市”提出来的乡村具有吸水、渗水、净水、蓄水的功能。其建设目的是为了实现城市、乡村生态环境可持续发展。基于 “海绵乡村”的概念,通过实地考古与走访,解析始建于清光绪年间的合肥淮军圩堡唐五房圩在存水、排水的技术处理手法上,得出结论:传统生态治理中现代“海绵乡村”理论提出的相关措施与手法,在清代光绪年间建造伊始已体现及使用。因此,历史建筑的保护与传承不仅体现在建筑风貌与文化上,相关技术理念更要一脉相承并发扬光大。文章中该实例的传统生态营造理念与手法可以科学、有效地用来指导现代规划与设计,保护与传承中国建筑遗产。
      "Sponge Country" is based on the "Sponge City", the village has the functions of absorbing, permeating, purifying and storing water. The purpose of its construction is to realize the sustainable development of urban and rural ecological environment. Based on the concept of "sponge village", through field archaeology and visits, we analyzed the technical treatment methods of water storage and drainage in the Huaijunwei Fort Tangwufangwei, which was built in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, and concluded that traditional ecological governance is in progress. The relevant measures and techniques proposed by the modern "sponge village" theory have been embodied and used at the beginning of the construction during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the protection and inheritance of historical buildings is not only reflected in the architectural style and culture, but also related technical concepts must be inherited and carried forward. The traditional ecological construction concepts and techniques of the example in the article can be used scientifically and effectively to guide modern planning and design, and to protect and inherit the Chinese architectural heritage.
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