Analysis of Physical and Mechanical Properties and Standard Penetration Number of Clay in Central Henan
投稿时间:2021-03-15  修订日期:2021-04-27
中文关键词: 标准贯入试验  室内土工试验  粉质黏土  
英文关键词: standard penetration test  indoor geotechnical test  silty clay  
宋国文* 安徽建筑大学南校区 841773810@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 2389
全文下载次数: 769
      Standard penetration test is a kind of in-situ test method, which is often used in geotechnical investigation activities to judge the physical and mechanical indexes of soil. Based on the data of outdoor standard penetration test and indoor geotechnical test, some physical and mechanical indexes of silty clay in central Henan Plain are analyzed. Linear regression equation was used to fit the linear relationship between some physical and mechanical indexes of silty clay and SPT in this area, and the correlation was significant through F test. The results show that the void ratio e and liquid index IL of silty clay in the central Henan plain have significant negative linear correlation with SPT blow count, while the compressive modulus es, cohesion c, internal friction angle φ and plastic index IP have significant positive linear correlation with SPT blow count. The research results can reduce the cost of geotechnical engineering investigation and construction, improve the work efficiency, and establish a linear expression to predict some physical and mechanical indexes of local silty clay.
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