Algorithm Development of Refrigerator Shelf Glass Thickness based on CAE Analysis
中文关键词: 玻璃搁架  变形  仿真分析  程序开发
英文关键词: Glass shelf  Deformation  CAE analysis  Program development
程旺 合肥美的电冰箱股份有限公司安徽  合肥  230601 
张谷峰 合肥美的电冰箱股份有限公司安徽  合肥  230601 
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      冰箱搁架玻璃若厚度选择不当,将影响经济性和产品品质。针对设计人员无法确定冰箱玻璃搁架厚 度的问题,开发出一款可快速推荐玻璃使用厚度及相应变形量的软件。首先,采用实验及 CAE 分析相结合的 方法,建立冰箱玻璃搁架有限元模型,并通过与实验对比确定分析模型的准确性。然后通过仿真分析,分别 研究了搁架深度、宽度和玻璃厚度对变形量的影响大小。以此为依据,建立可代表玻璃全部尺寸的 312 个有 限元模型,得出 12 条与变形曲线相近的趋势线,即玻璃变形量与其结构属性关系的 12 个数学公式。在此基 础上使用 VB 语言开发出璃厚度选优软件,实现快速输出玻璃的优选厚度与变形量的功能。
      If the thickness selection of refrigerator shelf glass is unreasonable,it will increase the cost and impact the quality of products. Aiming at the problem that the designers cannot quickly determine the thickness of the refrigerator glass shelf,the software using this innovation algorithm which could recommend the thickness and corresponding deformation efficiently was developed. Firstly, the finite element model of the refrigerator glass shelf is established by combining experiment and CAE analysis,and the effectiveness of the analysis is proved by experimental comparison. Then,the influence of shelf depth,width and thickness on deformation is studied by simulation. Moreover,312 finite element models corresponding to the whole size of glass were established,and 12 trend lines closing to the deformation curve was obtained. These mathematical equations of this theory express the relationship between deformation quantities of glass and structural properties. Finally,the software using for thickness auto-selection was developed by VB language, which can quickly output the thickness and deformation of glass.
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