Analysis of Plastic Mechanical Characteristics of Steel Frames at High Temperature
中文关键词: 钢框架  热力耦合  塑性铰  有限元  
英文关键词: steel frame  thermal coupling  plastic hinge  finite element  
姜云鹏 安徽建筑大学  土木工程学院安徽  合肥  230601 
吴明涵 安徽建筑大学  土木工程学院安徽  合肥  230601 
孙强 安徽建筑大学  土木工程学院安徽  合肥  230601 
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      由于在高温条件下钢材的屈服强度和弹性模量随温度升高均有所折减,使得钢结构建筑存在极大的 安全隐患。为了研究钢框架结构在局部火灾下的塑性铰先后出铰顺序。首先通过理论计算,得出高温下钢构 件的温度内力和温度弯矩,再根据力学理论分析塑性铰出铰顺序。最后利用有限元软件对高温环境中两层两 跨平面钢框架整体结构进行模态分析,得到各节点应力变化情况和不同时刻塑性应变情况。结果表明:理论 计算得出塑性铰出铰先后顺序为,梁柱连接处、梁跨中节点处、柱脚。数值模拟出的塑性铰出铰顺序和位置 与理论分析结果一致,可为相似工程提供参考。
      In view of the yield strength and elastic modulus of steel under high temperature conditions are reduced with increasing temperature,there are great safety hazards in steel structure buildings.In order to study the plastic hinges of steel frame structures under local fires,the hinge sequence is firstly calculated,obtain the temperature internal force and temperature bending moment of the steel member at high temperature.And then analyze the plastic hinge out hinge sequence according to the mechanics theory.Finally,the finite element software is used to carry out the modal analysis of the overall structure of the two-story,two-span plane steel frame in the high temperature environment,and obtain the changes of stress of each node and plastic strain at different times.The results show that the sequence of the plastic hinge out of the theoretical calculation is the beam-column connection,the beam mid-span node,and the column foot.The sequence and position of the plastic hinge out of the numerical simulation are consistent with the theoretical analysis results.It can provide reference for similar projects.
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