完海鹰,施文林.CFRP 粘贴圆钢管柱构造措施研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2021,29(1):1-5,20
CFRP 粘贴圆钢管柱构造措施研究
Research on Construction Measures of CFRP Reinforced Cylindrical Steel Pipe
中文关键词: 碳纤维增强复合材料  间隔粘贴  构造措施  有效性及合理粘贴间距
英文关键词: carbon fiber reinforce plastic  interval paste  structural measures  the validity and reasonable bonding interval
完海鹰 合肥工业大学  土木与水利工程学院安徽  合肥  230009 
施文林 合肥工业大学  土木与水利工程学院安徽  合肥  230010 
摘要点击次数: 5979
全文下载次数: 4523
      CFRP 包裹钢结构探究力学性能的试验已有不少,但关于使用 CFRP 探究构造措施的研究尚少,文章 采用间隔粘贴的构造措施,以间隔距离 30 mm、50 mm、80 mm 的钢管为研究对象,采用试验探究、有限元验 证的方式,探索使用 CFRP 间隔粘贴的构造措施对钢管构件破坏形态的影响,以及钢管构件的延性、承载力和 控制截面的变化情况,得到使用碳纤维间隔粘贴柱长 1/4~3/4 范围的有效性及合理粘贴间距:碳纤维粘贴间隔 建议取 30~50 mm 之间,且在此区间内间隔距离越短,越能有效推迟碳布与钢柱剥离。
      There have been many studies on strengthening steel structures with CFRP, but few study has been conducted on exploring structural measures with CFRP. The construction measures of interval pasting are adopted in this paper. Taking the steel pipe with spacing of 30 mm, 50 mm and 80 mm as the research object, with the experiment to explore and finite element modeling method to verify, this paper explores the influence of the structural measures of CFRP interval bonding on the failure mode of the component, as well as the ductility, bearing capacity and change of the control section of the steel pipe component. The validity and reasonable bonding interval of the columns with carbon fiber spacing in the range of 1/4~3/4 are obtained: The interval of carbon fiber paste is recommended to be 30 ~ 50mm, and in this interval, the shorter the interval is, the more effective it is to delay the peeling between carbon cloth and steel column.
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