季文媚,辛明徽.皖西大别山地区传统建筑文化传承设计研究 ——以金寨县燕子河镇六霍起义纪念馆建筑设计为例[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2021,29():
皖西大别山地区传统建筑文化传承设计研究 ——以金寨县燕子河镇六霍起义纪念馆建筑设计为例
Research on the Inheritance and Design of traditional Architectural Culture in Dabie Mountain area in western Anhui —A case study of the architectural design of the Memorial Hall of Liuhuo Uprising in Yanhe Town, Jinzhai city
投稿时间:2020-11-30  修订日期:2020-12-29
中文关键词: 大别山地区  传统建筑  文化传承  六霍起义纪念馆  建筑设计
英文关键词: Dabie Mountain area  Traditional architecture  Cultural inheritance  Six Huo Uprising Memorial hall  The architectural design
季文媚 安徽建筑大学 230001
辛明徽* 安徽建筑大学 230001
摘要点击次数: 2622
全文下载次数: 757
      Regional architectural culture should be regarded as the source and basis of contemporary architectural creation and an important way for the whole people to establish cultural confidence and national confidence. Yanzihe Town in Jinzhai County is located in dabie Mountain area in western Anhui. This paper takes the traditional architecture in this area as the carrier, studies it from the perspective of architectural culture, summarizes cultural elements, extracts architectural symbols, and conducts practical research on modern architectural creation. The author through the traditional architectural culture and the coupling of public building design, to promote the region's traditional architecture protection and reuse technology, improve local residents' cultural confidence and pride, in order to fill the anhui dabie mountain area, shortages of the traditional architectural culture related theory research and in the dabie mountain area in anhui province traditional architectural culture heritage protection strategy and practice dimensions of deeper research.
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