Analysis on variation characteristics of atmospheric particulate concentrationin Jinyun mountain scenic Area
中文关键词: 环城山岳型  风景区  大气颗粒物  假日效应
英文关键词: Mountain Resorts Around the City  scenic area  Atmospheric Particulate Matters  Holiday Effect
王璐 重庆大学城市科技学院重庆402600 
秦安臣 河北农业大学园林与旅游学院河北保定071001 
张琪 北京第二外国语学院旅游科学学院北京100020 
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      为探索重庆市北碚区缙云山风景区大气颗粒物(PM2.5、PM10)浓度的变化特征,选择中国环境监测总 站2017 年缙云山监测站点环境空气质量逐时数据进行采集,分析大气颗粒物浓度年变化规律,逐月分时变化 规律,周末、节假日、旅游节庆等旅游高峰期及前后变化规律,探究城市居民、景区游客对环城山岳型风景 区大气颗粒物浓度的影响。结果表明:1)缙云山空气质量处于较高水平,大气颗粒物浓度变化存在显著的季节 变化规律,季节变化规律为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季;2)缙云山风景区作为典型的环城山岳型风景区,风景区 与城区基本形成了“景城一体”的关系;3) 缙云山风景区大气颗粒物变化存在明显的“假日效应”;研究结 果可为景区引导旅客游览以及管理建设提供参考。
      Jinyunshan Monitoring Site of China Environmental Monitoring Station was selected to collect time-by - time data in environmental air quality in order to explore the variation characteristics of atmospheric particulates (PM2.5, PM10) density in the air of Jinyun Mountain Scenic Spot in Beibei District of Chongqing City. Ananalysis of the annual variation law of atmospheric particulates is to be made. Variation law in different months,weekends,holidays,tourism festivals and tourism peak seasons is to be analyzed also. That move also looks to figure out th e impact of urban residents and scenic spots tourists on the density of atmospheric particulates in the mountain-type scenic spots around the city. The results are shown as followings:1) the air quality of Jinyun Mountain is at a high level,and atmospheric particulates density has apparent seasonal variation. The seasonal variation is represented as :winter>spring >autumn > summer;2) As a typical scenic spot around the city. Jinyun Mountain Scenic Area is fundamentally involved into the urban city forming the relationship of “ urban city integration with natural view”;3) There emerges obvious “holiday effects” in the variation of atmospheric particulates in Jinyun Mountain Scenic Area;the research results can provide reference for the scenic spot to guide passengers to visit and for construction management.
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