Analysis of the Water Storage and Water Purification Ability of NewType Planting Roof
中文关键词: 种植屋面  雨水  径流  水质
英文关键词: planting roof  rainwater  runoff  water quality
管冰镜 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院合肥230601 
连瑛秀 城邑(北京)建筑设计院有限公司北京100055 
左明明 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院合肥230601 
丁晨风 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院合肥230601 
王志伟 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院合肥230601 
翟苏皖 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院合肥230601 
朱曙光 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院合肥230601安徽省绿色建筑先进技术研究院合肥230601 
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      种植屋面是海绵城市的重要建设形式,具有良好的环境、经济和社会效益。通过比较分析传统种植 屋面,构建了一种新型种植屋面,以期实现结构简单化、施工方便、运维先进目标。通过对传统种植屋面和 新型种植屋面的降水产流量、产流延迟时间、滞蓄径流率、总氮、氨氮、化学需氧量和酸碱度等参数分析对 比,进而研究新型种植屋面对雨水径流及水质的控制能力。结果表明:在雨量实验中,同为厚度100 mm 种植 土层,新型种植屋面的产流量、产流延迟时间和滞蓄径流率分别比传统的低1.8%、高14.1%、高1.0%;不同 种植土厚度的新型种植屋面中,厚度250 mm 的产流量、产流延迟时间和滞蓄径流率分别比100 mm 的低 8.6%、高34.4%、高23.7%。在水质实验中,同为厚度100mm 种植土层,新型种植屋面的总氮、氨氮、化学 需氧量和酸碱度分别比传统的低16.8%、高2.0%、低9.7%、高6%;不同种植土厚度的新型种植屋面中,厚 度200 mm 的总氮、氨氮和化学需氧量分别比100 mm 的低23.1%、低55.7%、低21.1%,厚度150 mm 的酸 碱度比100 mm 的高14%。研究表明新型种植屋面控制雨水径流及水质改善的能力优于传统种植屋面。
      As an important construction form of sponge city,planting roof has good environmental,economic and social benefits. Compared with the traditional planting roof, this paper constructs a new type of planting roof in order to achieve the goal of simple structure,convenient construction and advanced operation and maintenance. By analyzing and comparing the parameters of runoff yield,delay time of runoff yield,retention rate of runoff,total nitrogen,ammonia nitrogen,COD and pH value of traditional planting roof and new planting roof,the control ability of new planting roof to rainwater runoff and water quality was studied. In the rainfall experiment,the results show that the runoff yield,delay time of runoff yield and retention rate of runoff of the new planting roof are 1.8% lower,14.1% higher and 1.0% lower than the traditionally planting roofs in the same thickness of 100 mm planted soil layer. In the new planting roof with different planting soil thickness,the runoff yield,delay time of runoff yield and retention rate of runoff of thickness 250 mm are 8.6% lower,34.4% higher and 23.7% higher than 100mm respectively. In the water quality experiment, the results show that total nitrogen,ammonia nitrogen,COD and pH value of the new planting roof are 16.8% lower,2.0% higher,9.7% lower and 6.0% higher than the traditionally planting roofs in the same thickness of 100 mm planted soil layer. In the new planting roof with different planting soil thickness,total nitrogen,ammonia nitrogen and COD of thickness 200 mm are 23.1%,55.7% and 21.1% lower than 100 mm and pH value of 150 mm is 14% higher than 100mm,respectively. The research shows that the new planting roof is better than the traditional planting roof in controlling rainwater runoff and improving water quality.
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