曹泽,许银汝.基于空间 SEM 模型的购房影响因素研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2020,28():
基于空间 SEM 模型的购房影响因素研究
Study on the influencing factors of house purchase based on spatial SEM model
投稿时间:2019-10-30  修订日期:2020-04-20
中文关键词: 空间滞后模型  购房因素  居民需求
英文关键词: spatial lag model  purchase factors  residents' demand
曹泽 安徽建筑大学 1483148461@qq.com 
许银汝* 安徽建筑大学 1483148461@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 3319
全文下载次数: 1160
      摘 要:基于目前各省市各地区房价差异性突出,本文基于空间 SEM 模型,选取 2011-2017 年年 度安徽省各地区相关面板数据,研究居民购房影响因素。据模型分析表明,城镇化率、人均地区 生产总值、年末常住人口总量和房地产投资额都影响购房销售面积。在此基础之上,文章还对各 地区居民购房需求进行分析并对居民购房需求进行预测。结果显示,城镇化率对居民购房需求影 响相对比较低,而人均地区生产总值、年末常住人口总量和房地产投资额是影响居民购房需求变 化的主要原因,并且各个地区居民购房需求影响因素存在差异性。
      Abstract: Based on the prominent differences of housing prices in various provinces and regions, this paper selects the relevant panel data of Anhui Province in 2011-2017 based on the spatial SEM model to study the influencing factors of housing purchase. According to the model analysis, the urbanization rate, per capita GDP, the total number of permanent residents at the end of the year and the real estate investment all affect the purchase and sales area. On this basis, the article also analyzes the demand for housing in various regions and forecasts the demand for housing. The results show that the urbanization rate has a relatively low impact on the housing demand of residents, while the per capita GDP, the total number of permanent residents at the end of the year and the real estate investment are the main reasons for the change of the housing demand of residents, and the influencing factors of housing demand of residents in each region are different
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