涂劲松,刘运林,谢轩,卞祝,周明.基于BIM 技术的装配式混凝土结构 设计施工流程及应用研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2019,27(1):1-5
基于BIM 技术的装配式混凝土结构 设计施工流程及应用研究
Design and Construction Process and Application of PC ConcreteStructure based on BIM Technology
中文关键词: BIM 技术  建筑工业化  PC 结构  协同流程
英文关键词: BIM technology  building industrialization  PC structure  collaborative process
基金项目:安徽省教育厅自然科学基金重点项目(KJ2016A743;KJ2018A0415);皖西学院自然科学基金项目(WXZR201814);安徽省教学 研究项目(2017jxxm1187)。
涂劲松 皖西学院建筑与土木工程学院安徽六安237012 
刘运林 安徽建筑大学土木工程学院安徽合肥230022 
谢轩 皖西学院建筑与土木工程学院安徽六安237012 
卞祝 皖西学院建筑与土木工程学院安徽六安237012 
周明 皖西学院建筑与土木工程学院安徽六安237012 
摘要点击次数: 6984
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      随着互联网和智能技术的发展,尤其BIM 技术的发展应用使得建筑工业化的路线更加明确。本文从 国家产业政策、建筑工业化体系发展、建筑能耗和经济等方面分析了BIM+装配式结构的优势,进而在基于 BIM 技术的基础上设计了装配式剪力墙结构一体化工作流程,对装配过程中的关键节点工艺流程进行了探讨, 对PC 结构施工图深化和各种碰撞进行了协同工艺流程设计,实现了BIM 技术与装配式结构的良好结合。最 后以某装配式剪力墙结构体系的高层建筑为例就基于BIM 技术标准化设计、产业化生产与建造关键流程等进 行了分析,分析表明把BIM 技术应用于钢筋混凝土装配式结构体系中,提升了设计精准度,有利于建筑工业 化,提升了全过程建筑的工期、成本和环保等效益,并且随着规模扩大效益越明显。
      With the development of Internet and intelligent technology,The route of building industrialization is more clear by the development and application of BIM technology,This paper analyzes the advantages of BIM+PC structure from the aspects of national industrial policy,development of building industrialization system,building energy consumption and economy,and then designs the integrated work flow of PC shear wall structure based on BIM technology,discusses the process flow of key nodes in the assembly process,and discusses the process flow of PC. Cooperative process design was carried out for deepening construction drawings and various collisions,and a good combination of BIM technology and PC structure was realized. Finally,the key process of standardized design,industrialized production and construction based on BIM technology is analyzed by taking a high-rise building of a assembled shear wall structure system as an example. The analysis shows that the application of BIM technology to the reinforced concrete PC structure system improves the design accuracy,is conducive to the industrialization of the building and enhances the whole con‐struction. The benefits of process construction such as time limit,cost and environmental protection are more obvious.
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