赵蕊,吕计跃,姚 祎,肖晴,王寅寅.“帝王之孝”——明皇陵石雕石刻文化[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2019,27():
“The Filial Piety of the King”——The Stone Carving Culture of Ming Huang Ling
投稿时间:2018-06-25  修订日期:2019-06-04
中文关键词: 明皇陵  石雕石刻  建筑文化  孝道
英文关键词: Ming Huang Ling  stone carvings  architectural culture  filial piety
基金项目:1、安徽科技学院校内科研项目:SRC2016420; 2、国家社科基金艺术学一般项目:16BF073; 3、 教育部2018年第二批产学研合作协同育人项目:201802339042
赵蕊 安徽科技学院 yaoyi09315@foxmail.com 
吕计跃 安徽科技学院  
姚 祎* 安徽科技学院  
肖晴 安徽科技学院  
王寅寅 安徽科技学院  
摘要点击次数: 3234
全文下载次数: 985
      The ancient Chinese society advocated "thick burial for Xiao". The emperor often displayed stone sculptures and stone carvings in the royal tombs in order to demonstrate the virtues of "filial piety",the statues of the Ming Dynasty mausoleum were the most numerous and the most abundant in the ancient Chinese imperial tombs.It explores the characteristics of the filial piety of the ancient emperors by analyzing the stone carving art of Ming Dynasty's mausoleum and the "filial piety" culture contained in it——"Accepting the will of the heavens, the gods bless"、"Inheriting filial piety and making life come true"、"Course the Emperor and teach the children"、"Three religions are united, and harmony and harmlessness" etc,and reveals Zhu Yuanzhang's political ethics thought and its influence on Chinese traditional culture.
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