梁玉青.某大跨度悬挂板MTMD 减振控制[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2018,26(6):1-7
某大跨度悬挂板MTMD 减振控制
MTMD Vibration Control of a Large Span Suspension Plate
中文关键词: 多调谐质量阻尼器减振系统(MTMDS)  大跨悬挂板  舒适度  振动  共振
英文关键词: Multi-Tuned Mass Dampers Damping System (MTMDS)  large span suspension board  comfort  vibration  resonance
梁玉青 湖北工业大学土木建筑与环境学院湖北武汉430068 
摘要点击次数: 8483
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      大跨度悬挂楼板动力特性复杂,在行人荷载下容产生较大的竖向振动,不能满足舒适度的要求。针对某大跨悬挂板舒适度问题,根据大跨悬挂板的模态特性,设计了多调谐质量阻尼器减振系统的加装位置及参数,并综合考虑了连续行走、连续跑动、连续跳跃和小组结伴行走等不同行人荷载工况。分析结果表明,大跨悬挂板在无控状况下产生了较大的竖向振动响应,其竖向加速度响应超过了舒适度设计限值要求,而在悬挂板1 阶竖向振型最大加速度响应节点1311 位置附近加装MTMD 后,在共振工况下楼板振动最激烈位置减振效果达到43.8% 以上,确保了大跨悬挂板在共振状态下也满足舒适度要求。
      As the dynamic characteristics large-span suspension floor are complex,it is possible for such floor to produce a larger vertical vibration under the pedestrian load,so it cannot meet the comfort requirements. According to the characteristics of a large span suspension plate,the installation position and parameters of the multi-tuned mass damper damping system are designed in terms of the comfort requirements. It also comprehensively considers those situations such as the continuous walking,continuous running and continuous jump and the groups walking together to walk. The results show that the large-span suspension plate has a large vertical vibration response under uncontrolled condition,and its vertical acceleration response exceeds the comfort design limit requirement. With the installation of MTMD in nearby node 1311 that is responded by the maximum acceleration of the vertical vibration,the effect of vibration reduction in the most violent position of the floor vibration under resonance conditions is higher than 43.8%,ensuring that the long-span suspension board also meets the comfort requirements in the resonant state.
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