Research Progress of Traditional Village Protection Planning Based on Visualization Map
中文关键词: 保护规划  传统村落  CiteSpace
英文关键词: protection planning  traditional village  citespace
张峻溪 安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院安徽合肥230022安徽省城镇化发展研究中心安徽合肥230022 
李久林 安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院安徽合肥230022安徽省城镇化发展研究中心安徽合肥230022 
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      在社会中各种资源被加速消耗的背景下,各项保护规划的研究成为热点,以1990—2017 年中国知 网CNKI 数据库为基础,利用可视化文献分析软件Citespace,生成传统村落保护规划研究的发文作者、发文 机构、关键词共现等知识图谱并进行分析,结合所检索的文献,分析传统村落保护规划在保护方法、内容、 层次等方面的研究进展。研究结论显示学者对传统村落保护规划多个层面展开了大量研究,为传统村落保护 规划提供指导,规划管理上数字化技术的运用可以更加直观的呈现保护情况,但在规划实施方面研究不多。 研究发现传统村落保护规划需要动态监测与量化评估相结合的技术手段,在规划编制的过程中要注重地方特 色,避免同质化,村民的参与程度也是规划编制需要改善的一个环节。
      In the context of the accelerated consumption of various resources in the society,the research of various protection plans has become a hot spot. Based on the China National Knowledge Infrastructure database from 1990 to 2017, Citespace is used to generate the knowledge map of the author,the issuing agency and the key words of the traditional village protection planning,and then analyze it. Combined with the literature retrieved,analysis research progress in methods, content,level and other aspects of traditional village protection planning. The research conclusions show that scholars have carried out a large number of studies on the traditional village protection planning and provide guidance for the traditional village protection planning. Digital technology is used in planning management,it can be more intuitive to present the protection situation,but not much research in the implementation of the planning. The conclusions have been found that traditional village protection planning requires the combination of dynamic monitoring and quantitative assessment techniques. In the process of planning,the local characteristics need to be emphasized so as to avoid homogenization. The degree of villagers' participation is also a link to the improvement of the planning.
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