吕恒柱,鲁松.吴江某文体中心项目文化馆结构分析与设计[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2018,26(4):1-7 |
吴江某文体中心项目文化馆结构分析与设计 |
Structural Analysis and Design of the District Cultural and Sports Center in Wujiang city |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20180401 |
中文关键词: 复杂多层结构 V 形柱 交叉斜撑 性能化设计 |
英文关键词: complex multilayer structure V-shaped column cross diagonal brace performance-based design |
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摘要点击次数: 8774 |
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中文摘要: |
吴江某文体中心项目文化馆分为两个独立单体一区和二区,分别采用框架—剪力墙结构和含少量剪 力墙的框架结构。两单体均为 3 层,总高不足 20 m,为特别不规则的多层建筑。通过明确单体结构超限类别 及抗震性能目标,进行小震弹性分析,考虑项目为当地社会影响大的重要建筑,补充了大震动力弹塑性分析, 并针对关键部位如 V 形柱、交叉斜撑等进行深化分析,采取合理的抗震加强措施,使得工程在地震作用下具 有较好的安全储备,对类似结构形式具有一定的借鉴意义。 |
英文摘要: |
The cultural center of a sports center project in Wujiang is divided into two independent Zone Ⅰand ZoneⅡ , which are frame shear wall structure and frame structure with small amount of shear walls. They are only 3 layers,the total height of less than 20 meters,they are particularly irregular multi-storey buildings. By defining the category of structural overrun and seismic performance objectives,elastic analysis of small earthquakes,consider the importance of the project with great influence,supplement dynamic elastic-plastic analysis of large earthquakes,and to deepening analysis about V-shaped column,diagonal bracing and other key components,take reasonable measures to strengthen the seismic,the project have better safety under earthquake,the project has good safety under earthquake,it can be used for reference to similar structures. |
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