Spatial Distribution and Evolution of Ancient Huizhou Traditional Villages
中文关键词: 传统村落  演化  空间分布  古徽州
英文关键词: traditional village  evolution  spatial distribution  Ancient Huizhou
储金龙 安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230022
安徽省城镇化发展研究中心安徽 合肥 230022 
刘瀚 安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230022
安徽省城镇化发展研究中心安徽 合肥 230022 
李久林 安徽建筑大学建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 230022
安徽省城镇化发展研究中心安徽 合肥 230022 
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      传统村落承载着一个区域的历史变迁和地域文化。以古徽州“一府六县”所辖范围为研究区域,以古徽州范围内公布的国家级和省级历史名村和传统村落作为研究对象,运用历史文献法和 GIS 空间分析等方法,探 究传统村落的空间分布和演化。研究发现:魏晋南北朝之前的传统村落增长缓慢,宋朝新增传统村落数量达到鼎盛。元明清时期传统村落格局基本定型,数量增加减少,区域整体呈现出星罗棋布的发展特点。古徽州传统村落 在空间分布上具有“低海拔,沿水,各县不均衡”的特征。古徽州传统村落在类型上主要有传统农耕类、交通枢纽类、特色产业类和商业贸易类四种类型。181 个传统村落中,有30个发生过转型。部分传统农耕型从魏晋南北朝和明清时期开始分别向交通枢纽和商业贸易型转形。总体来看,古徽州传统村落体现出了由易到难,由低到高,由个别县向其他县辐射,沿水发展的时空开发特征。
      The traditional village is an important carrier of regional culture and history. Based on the ancient Huizhou for the study area,published by ancient Huizhou within the scope of the national and provincial historic villages and traditional villages as the research object,uses the methods of historical documents and GIS spatial analysis,to explore the spatial distribution and evolution of traditional village. The study found that the traditional villages of the Wei,Jin,and the northern and Southern Dynasties grew slowly,and the number of newly added traditional settlements in the Song Dynasty reached its peak. In the period of the yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties,the traditional village pattern was basically fixed,the increase in quantity decreased,and the whole region showed the characteristics of the development. The spatial distribution of ancient Huizhou's traditional settlements has the characteristics of "low altitude,water along and uneven counties". Each type. The traditional villages of ancient Huizhou mainly include four types of traditional farming, transportation hub,characteristic industry and commercial trade. Of the 181 traditional villages,30 have been transformed. Part of the traditional farming type from the Wei,Jin,northern and Southern Dynasties and Ming and Qing Dynasties began to turn to traffic hub and commercial trade type respectively. In general,the traditional villages of ancient Huizhou showed the characteristics of developing from easy to difficult,from low to high,from a few counties to other counties,and along the development of water in time and space.
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