伍明慧,鲍学芳.新农村建设视角下徽州传统村落保护与发展 ——以歙县许村为例[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2018,26(2):68-71
新农村建设视角下徽州传统村落保护与发展 ——以歙县许村为例
The Protection and Development of Traditional Villages in Huizhou from the Perspective of the New Rural Construction
中文关键词: 新农村建设  徽州传统村落  许村  保护  发展
英文关键词: the new rural construction  Huizhou traditional villages  Xu village  protection  development
伍明慧 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 
鲍学芳 安徽建筑大学 建筑与规划学院安徽 合肥 
摘要点击次数: 7615
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      The advancement of urbanization and the construction of new countryside bring the development of traditional villages, but also bring shocking destruction. Lacking of protection consciousness, the traditional buildings are badly damaged and the old and new buildings are mixed, which destroys the traditional style of the village.Through the field investigation of Xu village in the traditional village of Huizhou, this paper analyzes the current situation and cultural characteristics of Xu village, aiming at the problems existing in the protection of the village of Xu village in the new rural construction, exploring balance measures between protection and development, proposing the government to guide and promote the folk village style and traditional architecture, reasonable control, organic and Rural Revitalization village protection strategies.
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