朱畅,丁仁船.基于 citespace 的国外智慧城市研究进展与热点分析[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2018,26(1):87-94
基于 citespace 的国外智慧城市研究进展与热点分析
Research Progress and Hotspot of Smart City Based on CiteSpace
中文关键词: 智慧城市  Citespace  研究热点  借鉴
英文关键词: smart city  citespace  research focus  inspiration
朱畅 安徽建筑大学 公共管理学院安徽 合肥 230601 
丁仁船 安徽建筑大学 公共管理学院安徽 合肥 230601 
摘要点击次数: 7277
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      以 2007-2017 年间Web of science核心数据库中主题为智慧城市的文献作为数据,得出WOS中检索智慧城市的基本特征,并用 CitespaceШ 软件进行关键词共现分析和文献共被引分析对其研究进展与热点进行分析,从中得到国外智慧城市研究的四点启示:差异定位,注重地方优势和特色更好的激发智慧城市的活力;技术支撑,发展自主研发能力为智慧城市建设提供坚实的科学技术基础;信息集成,整合共享政府分治形成的信息“孤岛”;以人为本,完善相关法律规范,希望为我国智慧城市建设活动提供借鉴与参考价值。
      As the theme from 2007-2017 data in the core database of Web of Science as the wisdom of the city's literature, draws the basic characteristics of WOS in search of the wisdom of the city, and co-occurrence analysis and co citation analysis progress and focus analysis on the research with Cite Space software, keywords, and get four points from abroad from the city of wisdom in the different orientation, paying attention to the local advantages and characteristics of wisdom better stimulate the vitality of the city; technical support, provide a solid foundation for science and technology development of independent R&D capability for the construction of smart city; information integration, integration and sharing of government information and formation of "island"; people-oriented, improve the relevant laws and regulations, hoping to provide reference and reference the value for the construction of smart city activities in china.
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