江 亚 丽.桐城歌的思想内容和语言特色[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2017,25(6):97-102
The Ideological Contents and Linguistic Features of Tongcheng's folksongs
中文关键词: 桐城歌  思想内容  语言特色
英文关键词: Tongcheng's folksongs  ideological contents  linguistic features
江 亚 丽 安徽建筑大学 公共管理学院安徽 合肥 230022 
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      桐城歌思想内容丰富,语言特色鲜明。它反映时代变迁、咏唱生产劳动、讴歌男女爱情、颂扬乡土风情, 表现了当地百姓的苦乐与爱憎,反映了他们对幸福美好生活的向往与追求、对家园故土的热爱与赞美,展 示了他们勤劳乐观、积极进取的精神风貌,折射出当地崇尚和谐、重视读书的地域风尚。其独具特色的七 言五句式结构、鲜活生动的方言土语、灵活多样的修辞手法,体现了当地百姓的艺术创造才能。深入研究 桐城歌的思想内容和语言特色,有助于更好地了解其思想价值、艺术价值和文学价值,有助于促进桐城歌 的传承和创新。
      Tongcheng's folksongs are rich of ideological contents and have distinct linguistic features . They reflect the transition of the times, chant the production and labor, eulogize the love between men and women and praise the local customs . They show bitterness and joy, love and hatred of the local residents, reflect their longing and pursuit for a happy and wonderful life and the passion and praise for their homeland, show their laborious ,opmistic and enterprising mental outlook, and reflect a regional custom of advocating harmony and valuing reading.They use characteristic structure of heptasyllabic verse and five-sentence, lively and vivid dialect and flexible and varied rhetorical devices, which shows the talent of artistic creation of local residents. Lucubrating the ideological contents and linguistic features of Tongcheng's folksongs are helpful to learn their value of ideology, art and literat ure, and promote the smriti and innovation.
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