Protection Technology and Protection Device Design of Tower Foundation Product Based on Bridge Protection
中文关键词: 基础工程  铁塔基础  桥墩防护  成品保护  防护装置
英文关键词: foundation engineering  tower foundation  pier protection  product protection  protection device
杨少春 安徽送变电工程公司安徽合肥 231202 
潘康 安徽送变电工程公司安徽合肥 231202 
方月舵 安徽送变电工程公司安徽合肥 231202 
王芳 安徽建筑大学 土木工程学院安徽合肥 230601 
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      为了降低铁塔基础的破损率,提高工程创优质量,根据对基础破损现状的调查、五种基础成品防 护方法的对比分析、借鉴桥墩防护技术,提出了基础成品防护技术建议。从保护装置组装方式、接口设置、 基础保护范围、保护装置材质四个方面论证分析,提出了保护装置的最佳设计方案。研究结果表明:不采 取基础成品防护措施时,基础破损率平均达到7.3%;保护装置的最佳设计方案为楔形组装方式,四边设 置接口,对基础四角及棱边、四角纵向延长均采取保护,采用NBR+PVC 合成材料,在结构上由固定部件和 可调整部件构成。经现场使用验证保护效果明显,还具有防盗、安装拆卸简便、便于运输、循环利用率高 等特点。
      In order to reduce the foundation damage rate, and to improve the quality of engineering, some suggestions on the product protection of foundation are put forward, based on the investigation of damage status of foundation and the comparative analysis of five protection methods of foundation, and reference to pier protection technology. The best design scheme of the protection device is put forward from analysis of assembly mode, interface settings, protection range and material. The results show that the foundation damage rate is achieved 7.3% on average, when the foundation product protection measures are not taken. The best design of protect ion device is wedge assembly, four interface sett ings, protecting four angles, their longitudinal extension and edges, NBR+PVC synthetic materials, the structure composed of the fixed part and the adjusted part. Through the field application, the protection effect is obvious, and it has the characteristics of anti-theft, easy installation and disassembly, easy transportation and high recycling efficiency.
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