赵 蕊,姚 祎.中外极深地下科学实验室建设比较研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2017,25(4):
A Comparative Study of Construction Deep Underground Science Laboratories’ in China and Foreign Countries
中文关键词: 极深地下科学实验室  地下空间  比较研究
英文关键词: deep underground science laboratory  underground space  comparative study
赵 蕊 安徽科技学院建筑学院安徽 凤阳 233100 
姚 祎 安徽科技学院建筑学院安徽 凤阳 233100 
摘要点击次数: 7271
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      Deep underground science laboratory is the basic symbol of level of national science and technology development, and it is also an important direction for the development and utilization of underground space. It is important to carry out a comparative study of Chinese and foreign deep underground laboratories. Based on the introduction of global deep underground laboratory construction, the research group compared construction information of the LNGS, DUSEL and CJPL, and found that the site of deep underground science laboratory was located in the abandoned mine or traffic tunnel, the planning and the design must consider the underground environment and experimental needs, the functional positioning should be accurate and take into account the follow-up development, the project's approval procedures reflect characteristics of the national conditions and other laws. we hope that it can provide reference and inspiration for the Chinese deep underground scientific experimental construction.
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