Study on Decolorization of 4BS and Methyl Orange by H2O2 Photochemical Oxidation
中文关键词: 高级氧化  光芬顿  脱色  直接耐酸大红4BS  甲基橙
英文关键词: advanced oxidation  Photo- Fenton  decolorization  Direct Fast Scarlet 4BS  methyl orange
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(50908001);国家科技重大专项(2014ZX07405-003);安徽省教育厅自然科学重点项目 (KJ2015A109)
尹汉雄 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
唐玉朝 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
徐满天 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
胡伟 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
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      采用四种氧化技术:1.H2O2;2.芬顿;3.H2O2+紫外线;4.光芬顿;对常用染料直接耐酸大红4BS和甲基橙进行脱色研究。研究发现,光芬顿脱色效果最好,在10 min时,大红4BS和甲基橙脱色率分别为99.56%和95.88%;在H2O2(30%)投加量为0.2 mL,大红4BS最适Fe2+浓度为1 mg/L,甲基橙最适Fe2+浓度为2 mg/L;中性有利于大红4BS降解,弱酸弱碱有利于甲基橙降解;实验比较了254 nm、308 nm和365 nm三种紫外光源,发现254 nm紫外线对两染料降解最好。并对两染料进行了光谱分析。
      By adopting four oxidation technologies:1.H2O2; 2.Fenton; 3.H2O2+UV; 4. Photo-Fenton, this paper carries out decolorization study of Direct Fast Scarlet 4BS and methyl orange in printing and dyeing industry y. The study has found that the effect of decolorization was best using Photo-Fenton and the decolorization rates using scarlet 4BS and methyl orange were 99.56% and 95.88% respectively for ten minutes;The effort of decolorization was better when the dosage of Scarlet 4BS in H2O2 was 0.2mL and the concentration of Fe2+ was 1mg/L;The better effort also occured when the concentration of Fe2+ was 2mg/L using methyl orange .Neutral environment was conducive to the degradation of scarlet 4BS , when the environment became faintly acid or weakly alkaline, it was conducive to the degradation of methyl orange; The ultraviolet 254nm wavelength was better for the degradation of two reagents .Spectroscopic analysis of the two dyes.
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