Application of Test Data of Rock Point-load Strength Test at Pile Tip
中文关键词: 岩石单轴抗压强度Rc  岩石点荷载强度Is  经尺寸修正后的岩石点荷载强度Is(50)  Excel。
英文关键词: rock uniaxial compressive strength Rc  rock point load strength Is  rock point load strength after size correction Is(50)  Excel.
曹伟 中铁时代建筑设计院有限公司安徽 芜湖 241001 
摘要点击次数: 7796
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      Uniaxial-compressive-strength test is applicable for rocks of which specimen of regular shapes could be made outas long as rock is the pile foundation bearing stratum. But, for certain types of rocks, especially weathered rocks, it is difficult to produce complete rock cores using on-site pit inspection or exploration, thus making it difficult to make specimen that meets the requirements for rock uniaxial-compressive-strength test. Rock point-load-strength test, a concise and simple test, could be applied to quickly and effectively solve the rock cores collection problems in on-site pit inspection or exploration. The test produces point-load-strength Is, then Correction Value Is (50) is generated using relevant statistical calculations. Finally, the uniaxial-compressive-strength Rc is obtained. Using the point load test instrument, this test tests the unshaped and irregular rock mass to get the rock point-load-strength. This test method is simple, of low cost, and easy for field implementation. Also, Excel's statistics, calculation, and drawing functions could be used to significantly reduce the workload, improve calculation accuracy, and provide great convenience for engineering practice.
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