Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of Step-Feed SBR in Treatment of Domestic Sewage
中文关键词: 生活污水  分段进水  脱氮效率
英文关键词: domestic sewage  step - feed  nitrogen removal efficiency
刘晨 安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院合肥 230601 
杨丹丹 安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院合肥 230601 
刘绍根 安徽建筑大学 环境与能源工程学院合肥 230601 
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      传统生物脱氮工艺处理生活污水时存在有机碳源不足、脱氮效率低的问题,因此新的SBR运行模式(分段进水SBR)得到越来越受到关注,该模式的优势为可以利用原水中的可生物降解有机物和减少外加碳源,实现脱氮效果。在相同的实验条件下对比分析了传统SBR工艺及分段进水SBR运行模式下对生活污水的脱氮效果,研究结果表明:常规进水总氮的平均去除率为55.19%,分段进水总氮的平均去除率为64.23%,分段进水对总氮的去除率比常规SBR工艺对总氮的去除率高9.04%;在进水NO3- - N浓度相近的情况下:常规出水NO3- - N的平均出水浓度为12.996 mg/L,分段出水NO3- - N的平均出水浓度为9.982 mg/L,出水NO3- - N的浓度分段SBR的比常规SBR工艺的低3.014 mg/L;而分段进水SBR与常规SBR工艺对NH4+ - N、COD在去除率方面并无明显差异。以上可以得出:在相同条件下,分段进水SBR工艺可更好的实现脱氮效果。
      Step-feed SBR is gaining more and more attention because of the problems of organic carbon source deficiency and low nitrogen removal efficiency in conventional biological nitrogen removal process treating domestic sewage. The advantage of this model is able to take advantage of the raw water of biodegradable organics and reducing external carbon source to achieve nitrogen removal. Analysis the effect of nitrogen removal in the same conditions between conventional SBR and step-feed SBR. The results are as follows: the average removal rate of total nitrogen was 55.19% in conventional SBR, and it was 9.04% higher in step-feed SBR. Under the similar condition of influent concentration of NO3- - N water, the average effluent concentration of NO3- - N was 12.996 mg/L in conventional SBR, and it was 9.982 mg/L in step-feed SBR. But there was no obvious difference in terms of removal rate of NH4+ - N and COD between conventional SBR and step-feed SBR. We can conclude that: under the same condition, there is a better effect of nitrogen removal in step-feed SBR than conventional SBR.
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