Identification and Characterization of the Highly Efficient Malachite Green Decolorization Strain
中文关键词: 孔雀石绿  Pseudomonas sp.KL-1  降解特性    降解谱
英文关键词: malachite green  Pseudomonas sp.KL-1  degradation characteristics  enzyme  degradation spectrum
吴永利 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
王莉 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
范子睿 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
惠子琪 安徽建筑大学环境与能源工程学院安徽 合肥 230601 
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      从某印染厂下水道污泥中分离出一株能高效降解孔雀石绿的细菌KL-1,根据形态学特征及16S rDNA基因序列相似性结果分析,初步鉴定其为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)。该菌株可以以孔雀石绿作为唯一氮源进行脱色。在LB培养基中,培养6 h后对100 mg/L的孔雀石绿的降解率可达100%;当浓度为400 mg/L时,6h对孔雀石绿的降解率仍达到50%以上。该菌株降解孔雀石绿最适温度为30 ℃,适宜的pH范围较广,pH7.0-14.0均能使100 mg/L的孔雀石绿有效降解。液气比越小,菌株的脱色效果越好。KL-1降解孔雀石绿的酶主要位于细胞外,属于组成型表达酶。同时,该菌株有较为广泛的降解谱,5 d内能使20 mg/L的染料甲基红、酸性大红G、结晶紫、维多利亚蓝的降解率达到90%以上。
      A bacteria KL-1 was isolated from a dyeing sewage sludge which can efficient degradation of malachite green(MG).According to its morphological features and the similarity analysis of result of 16 s rDNA gene sequence , identified as pseudomonas sp.genus preliminary.The experimental results show that the strain can be decoloring MG as the sole nitrogen source.In LB medium,culture medium of malachite green, the concentration of which was 100mg/L, was degraded by 100% within 6h;When the concentration increased to 400 mg/L, the degradation rate of MG is still above 50% in 6h.The strain optimum temperature for degrading MG was 30℃,the optimum pH was range widely which can degrade MG 100mg/L effectively at pH 7.0-14.0.The smaller of the liquid-gas ratio ,the strain of the effect of decoloring is better..The experiments with the cell location for enzyme and enzyme activity demonstrate that the enzyme for degrading the MG in srain KL-1 can mianly be found off the cell membrane as a kind of constituent enzyme. At the same time,the strain KL-1 had a broad degradation spectrum for dyes,it could effective decolorize the dyes of methyl red、acid red G、crystal violet、 bromthymol blue with concentration 20mg/L,was degraded over 90% within 5 days.
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