陆忠敏,孙 建,张家精.基于MapReduce框架的BCH码并行译码研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2014,22(3):91-94 |
基于MapReduce框架的BCH码并行译码研究 |
Research on Parallel Decoding of BCH Codes based |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20140321 |
中文关键词: BCH码 并行译码 MapReduce 译码查找表 |
英文关键词: BCH code Parallel decoding MapReduce Decode Lookup Table |
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中文摘要: |
传统BCH码串行迭代译码算法计算量大、译码速度慢,无法满足大数据环境下快速译码的要求。本文提出一种基于MapReduce分布式框架的并行译码算法,通过译码的分布式和并行化减少译码时间,通过查找表译码减少译码时的计算量,从而获得较好的译码性能。 |
英文摘要: |
Due to decoding speed of traditional BCH code serial iterative decoding algorithm is very slow, cannot meet the requirements of big data decoding of BCH. A parallel decoding algorithm based on MapReduce distributed framework is presented, this algorithm can reduce the decoding time on the distributed-parallel decoding and reduce computation by the lookup table, thus obtaining a good decoding performance. |
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