席培胜,孙晓凯,张小涛,刘波.PHC管桩在老黏土地区的水平向承载力性状的数值分析[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2014,22(3):47-51 |
PHC管桩在老黏土地区的水平向承载力性状的数值分析 |
Numerical Analysis of Horizontal Bearing Capacity of PHC Pipe Piles in Paleo-clay Area |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20140311 |
中文关键词: PHC管桩 FLAC3D 水平承载力 支护桩 |
英文关键词: PHC pipe pile FLAC3D horizontal bearing capacity soldier pile |
基金项目:2013年安徽省住房城乡建设科学技术计划项目(2013YF—52). |
摘要点击次数: 8457 |
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中文摘要: |
基于PHC管桩在老黏土地区作为竖直承载桩的成熟应用,考虑到PHC管桩对工程地质条件适应性强、施工速度快、现场无污染等诸多特性,通过运用FLAC3D有限差分分析软件对PHC管桩在老黏土地区水平承载力的数值分析,研究了水平荷载对桩身水平位移、水平应力、弯矩的影响,分析了土体的塑性变形,得出了PHC管桩在老黏土地区的水平向承载力性状规律,为PHC管桩在老黏土地区作为水平支护桩的推广应用提供了科学的理论指导。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on PHC pipe pile in paleo-clay as a mature application of vertical bearing pile,considering the PHC pipe pile in engineering geological conditions of strong adaptability, fast construction speed, no pollution in construction plant and many other features were studied by using FLAC3D finite difference analysis software. The PHC pipe pile horizontal bearing capacity numerical analysis in paleo-clay area, the horizontal load on the horizontal displacement of pile, and the horizontal stress were also analyzed. The influence of the bending moment and the plastic deformation of soil were explored, the level of the PHC pipe pile in paleo-clay area of the bearing capacity characters was summarized. The results were providing scientific theoretical guidance for PHC pipe pile application in paleo-clay area as laterally soldiers pile. |
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