郭方棚,王俊,王海涛.徽州民居过渡季节热舒适性研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2013,21(5):105-108 |
徽州民居过渡季节热舒适性研究 |
Transitional season thermal comfort research of Huizhou area dwelling houses |
DOI:10.11921/j.issn.2095-8382.20130525 |
中文关键词: 热舒适性 过度季节 徽州民居 |
英文关键词: thermal comfort transitional season Huizhou area dwelling houses |
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑子课题(2012BAJ08B04). |
摘要点击次数: 8861 |
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中文摘要: |
采用了问卷调查与现场测试相结合的方法研究徽州地区住宅建筑室内过渡季节的热舒适性.结果表明:①温度、服装热阻等参数对人体的热舒适有明显的影响,而相对湿度、风速等参数对热舒适的影响不显著.②80%的人可接受的操作温度为18.02℃~31.64℃,比ASHRAE标准规定的舒适区温度范围要宽,并且推导出该地区春季居民的热适应方程为tout=0.486tout+12.46,R2=0.407. |
英文摘要: |
The paper adopts both questionnaires and field test in order to analyze transitional season thermal comfort of Huizhou area dwelling houses. The results are as follow. ① The temperature and clothing thermal resistance have strong influence on thermal comfort of human, while the humidity and air velocity are not evident. (2) The accepted operative temperature scope for 80% of occupants is 18.02℃--31.64℃,which is much wider than the comfort temperature zone in ASHRAE 55 standard. Moreover, the adaptability equation which is deduced for the residents in spring of the area is expressed as tam-=0. 486taut 4-12. 46,R2 =0. 407. |
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