Study on mechanical properties change of MIC shell wallboard during concrete placement
投稿时间:2024-11-10  修订日期:2024-12-26
中文关键词: 模块化建筑  动力响应  现场浇筑  快速傅里叶变换  数值模拟
英文关键词: modular building  dynamic response  cast-in-place  Fast Fourier Transform  numerical simulation
王琼 安徽建筑大学 230601
叶剑涛 安徽建筑大学 
康星 安徽晶宫绿建集团有限公司 
陈东* 安徽建筑大学 236001
摘要点击次数: 19
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      模块化集成建筑(Modular Integrated Construction,MIC)是一种新型的装配式建筑结构体系,由预制混凝土模块通过后浇混凝土连接组成,模块墙模板即为现浇混凝土的免拆模板,平均厚度较薄(30mm)。为了研究MIC墙模板在混凝土现场浇筑过程中的动力响应及形态变化,采用三块不同尺寸和位置的MIC墙模板作为研究对象,通过运用快速傅里叶变化将时域信号转化为频域信号,对MIC墙模板在现场浇筑过程中应变和位移变化情况进行研究,同时运用模拟软件ABAQUS对现场试验进行模拟分析。结果表明:MIC墙模板中间部位的受力特征与模拟结果基本相似,其中位于中间位置点的位移幅度最大并且最激烈,其次是上部位置。对于不同高度下的应变值,模板底部与中间位置的数值十分接近,随着中间测点处的高度不断增加应变随之减小,而在同一高度下测点的应变值相差不大。同时在浇筑过程中由于MIC墙模板侧压力所受过大,导致的漏浆渗水等情况,在及时采取相应补救措施后,应变值会重新回到漏浆前的数值。
      Modular Integrated Construction (MIC) is a new type of prefabricated building system, consisting of prefabricated concrete modules connected through post-cast concrete. The walls of the modules serve as stay-in-place formwork for the cast-in-place concrete, and these walls are typically thinner, with an average thickness of about 30mm.To investigate the dynamic response and morphological changes of MIC wall formwork during the on-site concrete pouring process, three MIC wall formworks of different sizes and positions were selected as research subjects. By applying Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to convert time-domain signals into frequency-domain signals, the study examined the strain and displacement variations of the MIC wall formwork during the pouring process. Additionally, simulation software ABAQUS was used to perform a simulation analysis of the on-site experiment.The results indicate that the stress characteristics at the middle section of the MIC wall formwork are largely consistent with the simulation outcomes. The displacement amplitude at the midpoint is the largest and most pronounced, followed by the upper section. In terms of strain at different heights, the strain values at the bottom and middle positions are relatively close, with the strain decreasing as the height of the measurement point in the middle section increases. Furthermore, at the same height, the strain values between measurement points show minimal variation. During the pouring process, due to excessive lateral pressure on the MIC wall formwork, issues such as slurry leakage and water seepage may occur. After timely remedial measures are taken, the strain values return to those recorded prior to the leakage.
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